Coles Driving Academy can provide you with training with regards of how to drive in snow and ice, we will not need to have poor conditions to carry out a training session but we can prepare you ready before it happens. To book a training session with us to cover this please give us a call or email us via the contact box opposite.
To learn more about how to drive in Snow and Ice you may want to read our help and advice sheet below.
Common sense would be not to travel in the first place, but some journeys might be essential. Maybe you are driving and the conditions change, if so these steps should increase your chances of getting you to your destination safely.
Winter snow and ice will pose problems for even the most experienced drivers. Please take a few moments to learn these basic rules of safer winter driving.
- Make sure that your car is well maintained, plan your route carefully and check the latest weather forecast. Tune into a local radio station if possible, safely of course!
- Keep a full petrol tank.
You may have to change your route or turn back during a bad snow storm or for a road closure.
- Breakdown kit. It would be wise to carry a breakdown kit containing a warning triangle, torch, blanket, de-icer, shovel, chocolate bar, water, high energy drink or food in case of emergency. Membership of a breakdown service is also advised.
- The first fall of snow is very dangerous if the roads have not been gritted. Once they have been gritted there may be enough grip for careful driving, but it's when snow becomes compacted and refrozen overnight that the greatest care must be taken. Roads that have not been gritted will become impassable by most vehicles and even gritted surfaces can remain extremely slippery.
- Control of the car. Use the highest practical gear. Use all the controls smoothly and gentle, allow extra time to slow down.
- Ten Seconds. Allow more distance between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead. At least ten seconds may be even double this, slow down early.
- Keep your windscreen and windows clear. Keep an ice scraper handy, and use the car defroster or a clean cloth to keep the windows free of mist. Be ready to clear snow from your windscreen wipers to ensure they move freely.
- If your vehicle skids, do not hit the brakes hard. Ease off the accelerator and steer slightly into the direction of the skid until you gain control. Turn with steady steering movements rather than jerky ones. In fact use all of the controls smoothly and not aggressively. If your car is fitted with ABS this will help in the event of a skid as you will be able to steer the vehicle, so steer the vehicle into space but again remember smooth use of the controls.
- Stuck in the Snow. If you’re stuck in the snow your wheels will spin and the car will go nowhere. Do not continue to spin your wheels as you will compact the snow and put the wheels in a deeper hole. Use some sand or grit and place this around the wheels so that they have something to grip against, this will increase the traction. Maybe an old carpet. Use the shovel to clear a pathway around your tyres.
- Ice is even more dangerous. Ice is harder to see the thicker it becomes. As water freezes on the road it forms a layer of black ice, this black ice can remain on the roads where shadows occur, from trees, bushes, even houses whereas in sunny area’s the ice may have cleared. If there has been a sharp frost overnight, be careful, especially when driving through shadows that keep the sun off the road, especially corners, roundabouts, tunnels.
If you are about to take a driving test check out the video below from the DVSA about what may happen in bad weather.